



Qazi and Co Solicitors Limited is a firm which is committed to promoting rule of law, access to justice and provide fairness to each and every individual.

We at Qazi and Co Solicitors Limited recognise the devastating affects on humanity of Modern Slavery, which is an abuse of human rights of individuals which is being committed by individual to make a financial gain for themselves, disregarding the affects it has upon the individuals.

At Qazi and Co Solicitors we are aware of our responsibilities and are actively working to prevent any violations of Human rights and modern slavery. We will not tolerate or engage in providing services to third party organisations known or suspected of modern slavery or human trafficking.

To eliminate any risks associated with Slavery and Human trafficking robust due diligence checks are undertaken prior to engaging with any external organisation. We must ensure that any contractual terms of the firm and the external organisation have strict provision to ensure compliance to the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

The details of the Modern Slavery Act could be found:

Modern Slavery Act 2015 (legislation.gov.uk)

Slavery and Human Trafficking Officer:

The firms Slavery and Human Trafficking officer is Mr Mujeeb Rehman who is responsible for overseeing that the requirement of the legislation is robustly complied within the firm. 

Mr Mujeeb will be responsible to ensure that every employee of the firm understands their roles and responsibilities to ensure that the firm complies with its duties.


  • Ensure that due diligence checks have been made with any potential suppliers
  • Review due diligence checks on existing suppliers at least annually,
  • Ongoing monitoring of changing supply chain regulation in UK and any other countries of origin.
  • Any concerns regarding Slavery and Human Trafficking should be reported to the designated officer immediately.
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