



While people often prefer to resolve disputes outside the courts, things can easily be resolved and escalated when you have experienced litigators by your side. If litigation is the prime reason that has been causing you stress and uncertainty in your life, then you might require the professional assistance of our experienced solicitors.
You need professional litigators by your side to guide you with their strategic approach aimed at making sure that your rights are protected and enforced.
At Qazi and Co Solicitors Limited, our litigation team of solicitors provides wide-ranging advice and representation for all litigation-related matters.

Why choose Qazi and Co Limited?

Qazi & Co Solicitors Limited and its solicitors are regulated by the solicitor regulation authority (Registration No: 835838). Whether you’re a defendant or a prospective claimant, we’re here to assist you with our litigation and negotiation expertise.
With us, you don’t have to be worried about the expense of litigation as we conduct a cost- benefit analysis before moving forward with our best strategy.

Litigation Services

Our experienced litigation solicitors can help you with a range of commercial and private litigations. Some of our services include but not limited to:

Solicitors at Qazi & Co Solicitors Limited will help you in resolving disagreements and bring court action when the resolution wouldn’t be an option for you. Get in touch with our dedicated team of solicitors to find the right legal advice.
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